Lee invited me to go on a tour of the Capitol last Christmas and we seriously only just got there two weeks ago. Just goes to show that like Jacob said, I don't do anything with any urgency. really.
As a Washingtonian, I think it's my prerogative to avoid all things having to do with normal touristy things in DC. I bet people who live in the Berkshires don't drive 25 miles an hour on the highway like "Peepers" during Autumn. Similarly, I have never been inside the Nation's Capitol building. But I have always been curious, so I took a lunch break and walked down the halls that Mr. Lincoln, Mr. McCarthy, Ms. Boxer, and Mr. Obama have walked. that was pretty surreal.
I went into the room where the Dred Scott Decision was made erroneously.
I also came to the conclusion that the Capitol needs a better curator because those statues look awkward. Every state gets to show two statues in the building so it looks like... for real, it looks like the scene in Return to Oz when there are all those creatures turned to stone... AND the scene from the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I guess witches like stone trophies.