because 29 in 29 is unreasonable... here are thirty things i want to do before i turn thirty.

- go see Kandinsky's "thirty"
- go on a dog-sled trek in vermont.
- quit smoking cigarettes.
- see Mission of Burma live.
- go sky-diving.
- take sailing lessons for a tiller boat.
- weigh 150 pounds or less, figure out what that is in "stones."
- Finish ONE tom robbins book.
- finish 1 quilt.
- learn to knit socks, make Mary Zwarg socks with wool from Colorado.
- read Catch 22.
- go to Barbados, snorkel.
- and drive a scooter, come home alive
- learn to hula dance
- learn to play the russian marche by mozart
- go water-skiing
- go to one lecture per university in DC consortium.
- eat sea urchin.
- ride a bike from my house to mom's and back in one day.
- try living glutten-free for a month.
- meditate/yoga at least once a week.
- drink suggested amounts of water daily.
- broaden my communist horizons, attend something inspired by a marxist.
- attend Salmagundi club function (receive token).
- join a professional association.
- make a mobile.
- take a metal-welding course.
- kiss an elephant, a real live elephant.
- play an entire game of tennis, keep score.
- finally attend Halloween party as Rogue from X-Men.
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