It's that time of year when I review the last list, see what I can get done in the next few months and make my holiday/birthday gift requests. Let's review though what has been accomplished over the past three years, because holy shit, it's a lot!
(and thanks
hyperbole and a half for this joke...)

(30x30) 2. go on a dog-sled trek in vermont. (Complete)
(30x30) 3. quit smoking cigarettes. (Complete)
(30x30) 4. see Mission of Burma live. (Complete)
(30x30) 5. go sky-diving. (Complete)
(30x30) 7. figure out my weight, in "stones." (Complete)
(30x30) 8. Finish ONE tom robbins book. (Complete
(30x30) 9. finish 1 quilt. (Complete)
(30x30) 10. learn to knit socks, make Mary Zwarg socks with wool from Colorado. (Complete)
(30x30) 11. read Catch 22. (Complete)
(30x30) 12. go to Barbados, snorkel. (Complete)
(30x30) 13. and drive a scooter, come home alive(Complete)
(30x30) 14. learn to hula dance (Complete)
(30x30) 16. go water-skiing (Complete)
(30x30) 18. eat sea urchin. (Complete)
(30x30) 19. ride a bike from my house to mom's and back in one day. (Complete)
(30x30) 20. try living gluten-free for a month. (Complete)
(30x30) 21. meditate/yoga at least once a week. (Complete)
(30x30) 22. drink suggested amounts of water daily. (Complete)
(30x30) 23. broaden my communist horizons, attend something inspired by a marxist. (Complete)
(30x30) 24. attend Salmagundi club function (receive token)
(30x30) 25. join a professional association. (Complete)
(30x30) 26. make a mobile. (Complete)
(30x30) 27. take a metal-welding course. (Complete)
(30x30) 28. kiss an elephant, a real live elephant. (Complete)
(30x30) 29. play an entire game of tennis, keep score. (Complete)
(30x30) 30. finally attend Halloween party as Rogue from X-Men. (Complete)
(31x31) 1. Knit all the things (Complete)
(31x31) 2. Read ONE Vonnegut novel (Complete)
(31x31) 3. Go to the opera (Complete)
(31x31) 4. Crochet a doily(Complete)
(31x31) 5. Get my palms read(Complete)
(31x31) 6. Serve home-made pierogis and golabki to someone other than family. (Complete)
(31x31) 7. Increase flexibility to do a turtle pose (Complete)
(31x31) 8. Go to a professional sport’s game (Complete)
(31x31) 9. open an etsy stall (Complete)
(31x31) 10. drive an antique car (Complete)
(31x31) 11. complete a 10K, donate $1000 to livestrong charity (Complete)
(31x31) 12. Allocate 35% of net income to personal debt (Complete)
(31x31) 13. Finish quilt #2 (Complete)
(31x31) 14. Join activity association, like a tennis club. (Complete)
(31x31) 15. play dominoes with dirty old men. (Complete)
(31x31) 16. Go bowling at the White House (complete)
(31x31) 18. Visit a state never visited before (other than Montana and North Dakota)(Complete)
(31x31) 19. go sailing (Complete)
(31x31) 20. Knit an adult size sweater or cardigan. (Complete)
(31x31) 21. Have a birthday party (Complete)
(31x31) 22. Touch a spider, a big hairy spider. (Complete)
(31x31) 23. Write and illustrate a children’s book. (Complete)
(31x31) 25. hike the Appalachian Trail (Complete)
(31x31) 27. watch top 100 AFI films (Complete)
(31x31) 28. grow mermaid hair, go to the mermaid parade on Coney Island(Complete)
(31x31) 29. International Yarn Bomb Day (Complete)
(31x31) 30. complete Nation’s Triathlon (Complete)
(31x31) 31. Move out of my mother’s house. (Complete)
(32x32) 1. donate hair to Wigs for Kids (Complete)
(32x32) 2. establish Needles to Say (Complete)
(32x32) 3. complete a century ride (Complete)
(32x32) 4. close out corporate bank account, open up checking at a credit union (Complete)
(32x32) 5. go play seal/otter/walrus (Complete)
(32x32) 8. go on 3 blind dates (complete)
(32x32) 9. re-enact a scene from the Miracle on 34th Street (Complete)
(32x32) 10. vote (complete)
(32x32) 13. Send a message in a bottle (complete)
(32x32) 16. Fold a 100 origami cranes and give them to someone special (Complete)
(32x32) 17. smell a coffee plantation (complete)
(32x32) 18. go to a silent meditation weekend retreat (Complete)
(32x32) 19. go on tour of the Capitol (Complete)
(32x32) 21. make garden needles, knit a blanket with +10 strands of yarn (Complete)
(32x32) 22. Complete a half marathon (complete)
(32x32) 23. read something by David Foster Wallace (Complete)
(32x32) 24. make an anonymous donation (complete)
(32x32) 25. improve race time on another triathlon (Complete)
(32x32) 27. eat something I can't pronounce (complete)
(32x32) 28. raise an anxiety-provoking amount of money for a good cause (complete)
(32x32) 29. knit a blanket with +10 strands of yarn (Complete)
(32x32) 30. blow kisses to all highway patrol cars (Complete)
(32x32) 31. steal a choir suit and run around singing, clapping, and praising (Complete)
Left over from previous years:
(30x30) 1. go see Kandinsky's "thirty" in Paris
(30x30) 6. take sailing lessons for a tiller boat.
(30x30) 15. learn to play the russian marche by mozart
(30x30) 17. go to one lecture per university in DC consortium.
(31x31) 17. Keep to a budget with a 10% margin of error.
(31x31) 24. Go ice-skating in Canada.
(31x31) 26. Climb a water-tower without permission.
(32x32) 6. dye & spin my own yarn
(32x32) 7. watch all the alfred hitchock movies
(32x32) 11. go to Lee's college graduation
(32x32) 12. Be a member of the audience in a TV show
(32x32) 14. Run to the top of the Statue of Liberty
(32x32) 15. Go geocatching
(32x32) 20. finish trunk projects
(32x32) 26. swim across the Long Island Sound
(32x32) 32. sit in the gallery during a Supreme Court trial
... I think the 33x33 might be a catch-up list...