Sarah's agreed to do the fix after everything is cut off, but I invited a bunch of friends to come over last Saturday help.
I had seen pictures on the interwebs: you braid it up into little bits all around and then put a rubber band near the scalp and another at the end of the braid, that way it doesn't unravel when you snipsnip.
Apparently, no one else is as intrigued by cutting off hair as I am! It just seems like something we've always been told not to do ourselves and to leave to a professional; and that cutting off our own hair symbolizes some sort of grief or emotional turmoil. So, I wanted to offer everyone an opportunity to do something kind of forbidden without the emotional hangover because it's for a great cause. My sister joined me and Sarah via Skype and we did it!
15 inches to Wigs for Kids

and a work appropriate version of the aeon flux hair...

If you like this hair cut, give Sarah a shout!
I LOVE the haircut!