This item was in conjuncture with Greg's item (which, luckily, I gave to him): to teach someone how to swing dance. Two birds, one stone. And what a fun stone! And what fun birds! I started this endeavor with the knowledge of how to do the Charleston, from my prepubescent years at Kenmore Middle School doing a horrible version of Kid N Play. Unfortunately, my only experience with being led around the dance floor has been with my father. He's a bit of a bear of a man so the dancing is more like twirly hugging... imagine dancing with Alfred Hitchcock...

So I went to the Jam Celler (which is not a place where there is a lot of jam in mason jars - or moonshine for that matter) to take a free swing dance lesson and had the most amazing time!
Here's what a Yelper had to say:
If you're thinking "oh yeah like the 'swing craze' in the 90s" you've got the wrong idea. Jam Cellar is not about costumes or poses, just the pure and simple joy of partner dancing. I never danced in my life before trying this, and I realized I have seriously been missing out! It's pretty much the perfect activity: it's cheap, gets you moving, involves real communication between two strangers, the people are smart and cool, and the surroundings are gorgeous.
Jam Cellar provides lots of opportunities to learn the basics & beyond, with both a free beginner lesson before each dance and numerous series classes (and you can re-take the beginner series class for FREE once you have gone through it once)
This is a video of one of the teachers that I had, the Jason guy. They were both really confident instructors and were easy with the beginers which I definitely appreciated.
Then upstairs, I met with Alex and Greg and met all kinds of new people and random strangers asked me to dance and I totally cocked it up and I can't tell you how many times I threw my head back laughing at the joy of moving around and twirling and being led. fantastic!
maybe after a few more lessons, I'll be able to do this kind of move... ha!

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