we had difficulty deciding on the excursion title, which actually had a few different hashtags:
suffice it to say, my best friend since high school graduated from the uniformed services university of the health services last May (although was granted her doctorate in philosophy last August), and we celebrated last weekend by going on a hunt for sharks teeth in Colonial Beach, VA: hilarity ensued.
first off, it looked a lot easier on the map to get to Shark Tooth Island.

granted, just because it looks easy to get to on the map, if you are concerned about being arrested, it is another task entirely. all of the land is owned, there is very little public access... and we would have had to swim... I brought my suit.
we drove all over trying to get down to the water. first, to the george washington birthplace, which is where we heard the locals go to look for sharks teeth.
no access to the water, well, that wasn't through a swamp.
then we tried Poor Jack's Road...
where steph wouldn't let me out of the car because she feared for my safety. trespassing is a delicate point around Colonial Beach.
we then stopped at Birddog's Grill for directions and souvenirs (I got a hankerchief with ducks on it, which my brother and sister proceeded to fight over. I think Xy should get it since she likes Duck DyNASTY so much)
we were directed to Westmoreland State Park... to FOSSIL BEACH. duh. In order to get to Fossil Beach, we had to take the Big Meadow Trail which had nothing to do with a meadow, big or small.
Steph found three sharks teeth within three hours. I sat for about 30 minutes, didn't find anything, and went back to swimming.
After shark tooth success we returned to the Plaza Bed & Breakfast, which was seriously very awesome (although they seemed to think we were lesbians and were not at all impressed with the graduation from a phD program, weirdos)
here's to best friends and great adventures xoxox
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