Not quite sure where my aversion to birthday parties came from, but I'm happy to report that only MY birthday is irksome and that I heart birthday parties for other people.
That being said, the goal was to have a birthday party, not specifically mine, so I threw one for my buddy Jenna back in January (again, it's taken me a minute to write about it because I wasn't sure if a friend's party qualified). We were thinking of having a clothing swap, and since it was close to her birthday, we decided that swap-o-rama birthday party was a righteous deal. She enlisted a friend, Style Savvy Kim, to actually vlog about the swappage.

My apartment was upturned and rearranged. We made SO much food! The lights were on and I can't control the heat in my apartment, which was sweltering. Jenna is so creative and thought of a fun game for everyone to play along the lines of truth or dare.

the "do you dress up your pets? If yes, do you have a matching outfit? If no, please draw one for us right now." This is Ginger, the Duke of Fluke in his Victorian Era ruffled shirt and... cape? The picture is now on my refrigerator.
I think the more joyous birthday parties I attend, the more palatable my birthday may become, but don't hold your breath.

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