Michele brought the IYBD to my attention about two weeks before the first ever yarn bombing celebration on June 11, 2011 (which means that this item was not on the original list of 31x31 but I reserve the right to change items when I feel the fancy). It's taken me about three months to write about it, I just kept putting it off, don't know why. Well there are lots of things that I've been putting off or not motivated to complete, but that's neither here nor there... except it is here because I put it here. In any case, I think I put some ideas up on facebook for slogans to intarsia into a long piece for the yarn bomb which would match what Michele was bringing. The one that won was "love is alive and well" which was the one I wanted to win, but sometimes I worry about being too corny so I leave it up to facebook-democracy and if it wasn't good enough, tyranny is always an option.
Michele and I had some coffee and toodled around for a little bit on a Friday night, we walked up to Meridian Hill Park in DC and even though there as a cop sitting RIGHT THERE, we began to emasculate Joan of Arc's horse with a leg-warmer and some pom-poms to hang from his pom-poms... We finished in about an hour, it was such a blast. Something as simple as getting together with a good friend to crochet at night like fibre graffiti artists totally made me glowy for a week.

If you don't know what yarn bombing is all about, I suggest you read about it here. In June, this entry for yarn bombing on wikipedia did not exist, which makes me feel very cutting-edge.
The next morning Michele went to the park to walk her Toto-dog and took some pictures. Apparently we were written up in the Prince of Petworth as well!

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