Volcano and Full Moon. epic.

In the legend of the Ohi'a Lehua plant, it is said that Pele, the goddess of the volcano, was in love with a handsome Hawaiian King named Ohi'a. The king was smitten for a beautiful woman, Lehua. One day, Pele came upon Ohi'a dressed in her most beautiful gown and asked him to be her husband. He graciously (and diplomatically decline because Pele was known to be a jealous and volatile goddess) refused her offer. Pele was so incensed she turned Ohi'a into a grey and green plan, rooted around the volcano. The other gods thought Pele was being a bit harsh and tried to undo the spell but to no avail. They did however manage to turn Lehua into the flower that blooms from the grey green plant. It is said to be terrible bad luck to pick these flowers from the plant because you will be tearing the lovers apart. the end.

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